Lois completed her education by attending Art School. During her working life she held
many appointments: display artist at Sydney Museum, wall paper designer for Ashley Wallpapers, window display artist for Whitcombe and Tombes, and display artist for the National Museum at Wellington. She is well remembered for her artistic creativity: paintings, pastels, furnishings etc.
Her final work was "Granny Gurton's Garden", for which she produced the original concept, photographs and ideas for verses. The project was shaped and completed by Sheila Natusch after Lois became too disabled to complete the work herself. The book was published before her death at Mary Potter Hospice, Wellington on 18 Aug 1986.
"Prepatorial and Art Departments, Australian Museum April 1957
Just as the camera clicked John hit Den in the seat with a hammer"
Lois worked with J. Beeman (in charge) and B. P. Bertam in the Department of Art and Design

Lois Chambers Collection
From the 1957 Annual Report of the Australian Museum: Department of Design and Art
Priority during the year has been given to the preparation and installation of the twenty new exhibits in the Aboriginal Gallery. These have now been completed except for some minor details and labelling. Plans and designs have been prepared for the Bird Gallery, and some for the Invertebrate Gallery and the new Fish and Arachnid cases. The preparation of designs, illustrations and labels has been speeded up by the purchase of two more drafting machines, and a new air-brush. Figures of work completed during the year include: 30 designs, 96 paintings and illustrations, 105 drawings, 32 construction drawings, 27 maps, 4 plans, 16 diagrams, 16 leaflets, 243 labels, 29 notices, 43 lettering on diagrams and 2 friezes.
From the 1956 Annual Report of the Australian Museum: Department of Design and Art
This department only came into existence on 13th April. It comprises as well as the Officer-in-Charge, J. Beeman, a Cadet Artist and a Ticketwriter (Mr B. Bertram and Miss L. Chambers), both of whom were formerly attached to the Department of Preparation. The principal work of the department is the preparation of designs for gallery exhibits and the Officer-in-Charge is consulted on all matters related to gallery displays. Work completed during the two-and-a-half months the department has been in existence has included 57 black and white illustrations for scientific papers and other purposes; designs for part of the new bird gallery, the Education Week exhibit, the wallaby and kangaroo exhibits for the Mammal Gallery and for an evolutionary tree for the front hall. Numerous sketches of a preliminary nature have been submitted for various purposes and a very large number of labels written. The painting of the fourth aboriginal mural was commenced.