Lyttelton Times 25 May 1859 Marriage
On Sunday, the 15th instant, by special license, by the Rev John Moir, of the Free Church of Scotland, Wellington, William Henry Davis, Esq., Photographic Artist, late of Camden Town, London, to Miss Catherine Henrietta, only daughter of David Floyd Williams, Esq., of Lewellyn Cottage, Tinakore Road, Wellington.
Colonist 11 Dec 1860 Wesleyan Missions
The Anniversary Sermons of the Nelson Branch of the Society was held at the Chapel on Sunday, 2nd December, and on Monday a public meeting took place. The proceedings having been opened by prayer, the Chairman (D. Rough, Esq.) addressed the meeting in an impressive speech, after which the Secretary read the report which will be found in the last page. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the chairman for his efficient services, and singing the Doxology. The collection amounted to £25 5s 6d. The Richmond meeting of this Society took place on Wednesday last, the Rev J. Innes presiding. Addresses on this occasion were delivered by the Rev J. Moorhouse, Messrs Green, Humphries, Sewell, Jenkins, Drew, and Hodder. The collection amounted to £17 9s 10d. Several resolutions were passed at the Nelson meeting, the 4th being:- “That the following persons form a committee of the Nelson Auxiliary of the Australian Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society for the ensuing year:- Messrs Lightband, senior, Hough, Hewitt, Foy, Jenkins, Burns, Crisp, Brent, Wagg, Rose, Cresswell, Collier, and J. Jones; Rev J. Innes, Treasurer, Mr Lucas, Secretary.”
Rev Jonathan Innes (1809-1864) and William Jenkins (1813-1867) were very likely to have known each other.
Wellington Independent 08 Sep 1863 Death
August 27, at Nelson, of heart disease, Grace, the beloved wife of the Rev Jonathan Innes, Wesleyan Minister, aged 54